The soothing sound of gamelan as you entered the small gravelled road to the location greeted you. As I entered the compound of Kraton Embah Anang, I was greeted by the smiling faces of the villagers who eagerly waited for the event to start. This was my initial and wonderful experience as  I had the opportunity to witness one significant event that highlights the importance of preserving Javanese culture in Johor: the Wong Jowo Festival, which is held annually on October 6th and 7th in Parit Bugis, Muar. En Johar Paimin, a Javanese descendant who is an avid collector of his ancestors’ cultural and historical items, founded the festival. The owner of Keraton Embah Anang has offered his home as a venue for showcasing the rich cultural heritage during every full moon festival, which is an admirable and heartwarming gesture. This initiative aims to preserve Javanese traditions and ensure that future generations are intimately connected to and aware of their valuable heritage.

 We can see that preserving cultural heritage is an essential aspect of maintaining a community’s identity, history, and traditions. In the context of Malaysia, the Javanese ethnic group in Johor has a vibrant and rich cultural heritage that deserves preservation and celebration. This festival showcases the cultural essence of the Javanese community in Johor, with a focus on musical instruments like gamelan, traditional dances, and mouthwatering cuisine. We will delve into the significance of preserving the heritage and culture of the Javanese ethnic group in Johor, with a particular emphasis on the Wong Jowo Festival.

Historical Context

To understand the importance of preserving Javanese heritage and culture in Johor, it is crucial to delve into the historical context. The Javanese community has a long history in Johor, dating back to the 19th century when their ancestors migrated from Java, Indonesia. Over the years, they have played a vital role in shaping the cultural mosaic of Johor, contributing their unique traditions, customs, and way of life.

The Wong Jowo Festival: A Celebration of Javanese Culture

The Wong Jowo Festival is a colourful and vibrant celebration that captures the essence of Javanese culture in Johor. This two-day event, held annually in Parit Bugis, Muar, serves as a focal point for the Javanese community to come together, reconnect with their roots, and share their cultural treasures with the larger society.

Gamelan Music and Shadow Play : The Heartbeat of Javanese Culture

Central to the Wong Jowo Festival is the gamelan music ensemble. Gamelan consists of a set of traditional Javanese musical instruments, such as gongs, metallophones, and drums. These instruments create mesmerizing melodies and rhythms that are deeply ingrained in Javanese culture. Preserving and promoting the art of gamelan ensures that future generations can appreciate and participate in this musical tradition. Apart from that, a group of villagers had taken the initiative to learn and deepen their knowledge on the shadow play from Mr Herman, from Surakarta, Indonesia, an expert from the Institute of Performing Arts, Indonesia.

Traditional Javanese Dance: A Visual Spectacle

Another highlight of the Wong Jowo Festival is the performance of traditional Javanese dances. These dances, with their graceful movements and intricate choreography, are a testament to the Javanese people’s artistic prowess. They tell stories, convey emotions, and connect the audience to the cultural heritage of the community. By preserving and passing down these dance forms, the Javanese ethnic group ensures that their unique artistic expression remains alive and thriving.

Mouthwatering Javanese Cuisine: A Gastronomic Journey

Food plays a pivotal role in any culture, and Javanese cuisine is no exception. The Wong Jowo Festival offers a delightful array of traditional Javanese dishes, such as nasi lemak, rendang, and soto ayam. A cooking competition was also held during the two-day event. These culinary delights are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a reflection of the Javanese people’s culinary heritage. Preserving and sharing these recipes ensures that future generations can savour the flavors of their culture.

The Importance of Cultural Preservation

Preserving the heritage and culture of the Javanese ethnic group in Johor through events like the Wong Jowo Festival is of paramount importance for several reasons:

Identity and Belonging: Cultural heritage provides a sense of identity and belonging for the Javanese community in Johor. It helps individuals connect with their roots and understand their place in the world.

Cultural Exchange: Festivals like Wong Jowo promote cultural exchange and understanding among different communities in Malaysia. They allow people from various backgrounds to appreciate and learn from each other’s traditions.

Tourism and Economic Growth: Cultural preservation can also have economic benefits. Events like the Wong Jowo Festival attract tourists and contribute to the local economy, generating income for businesses and creating job opportunities.

Education and Knowledge Transfer: Preserving cultural heritage ensures that traditional knowledge, skills, and practices are passed down to future generations. This knowledge transfer is essential to maintaining the vitality of the culture.

Challenges and the Way Forward

While the Wong Jowo Festival and similar initiatives play a crucial role in preserving Javanese heritage and culture in Johor, there are challenges that need to be addressed. These challenges include:

Integration: The Javanese community in Johor faces the challenge of integrating their culture with the broader Malaysian society while maintaining their unique identity.

Generational Shift: The younger generation may be less connected to their cultural roots, making it vital to engage them actively in cultural preservation efforts.

Resource Allocation: Resources and support for cultural preservation initiatives, such as language education and cultural centers, must be allocated effectively.

In conclusion, the Wong Jowo Festival in Parit Bugis, Muar, stands as a shining example of the importance of preserving the heritage and culture of the Javanese ethnic group in Johor. Through the celebration of gamelan music, traditional dances, and mouthwatering cuisine, this festival not only honors the past but also paves the way for a vibrant cultural future. Preserving Javanese culture in Johor is not just a matter of heritage; it is a celebration of diversity, a bridge of understanding, and a testament to the enduring spirit of a community that continues to enrich the tapestry of Malaysia’s cultural mosaic. It is imperative that we support and cherish such endeavors as we move forward in a world that grows increasingly interconnected and diverse.




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Noor Fazelah Mohd Noor


Centre for Communication Science Research

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)


This article was published in:

1. Bernama (, 20 November 2023: Preserving the rich heritage and culture of the javanese ethnic community in Johor: a glimpse into the Wong Jowo Festival