Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is officially been awarded as Premier Digital Tech Institution (PDTI), a prestigious recognition from the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC).

Only the institution that passed the evaluation by MDEC’s appointed panels will be given the PDTI status.

The application has started in October 2021 after the briefing by MDEC in the Mesyuarat Majlis Dekan ICT (MaDICT) in early 2021.

The process of submitting all the data required by MDEC, audits and interviews session with staff and students are being accomplished from September until December 2021.

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FSKTM) has fully involved in the accreditation process.

The evaluation comprises the institution’s track record in producing high-quality graduates for digital tech-based high-value jobs, through research and education policies, faculty linkages with the industry and career development and placement services.

The PDTI status for UTHM and other recipient institutions is officiated in Majlis Anugerah Penghargaan Industri Ekonomi Digital Malaysia 2022 held at Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC) on 3rd July 2022, attended by Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima TPr Annuar Haji Musa, Minister of Communication and Multimedia. 

The Dean of FSKTM, Ts Dr. Azizul Azhar Ramli represented Vice Chansellor, Profesor Ts. Dr. Ruzairi Abdul Rahim in the event.

UTHM is awarded PDTI status for three years from 2022 to 2025.

The PDTI status aims is to ensure that the future graduates are highly skilled professionals that are innovation-driven and knowledge-powered.

This is realized by the collaboration between the institutions, MDEC, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and industry leaders.

The MDEC will be the bridge between the institution and industry to provide staff and students opportunities including training, certification, job opportunities, and other initiatives that will help in increasing the student’s employability.

This recognition is in line with the tagline of UTHM to “We Produces Professionals” and will fully support the university’s direction to be a Global Technopreneur University in 2030 (GTU2030).