
The Student Center for Housing & Transportation in collaboration with Melewar & Kelisa Residential Colleges,Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) organised a community service programme: Program Desa Tercinta from 3 to 5 December 2015 at Felda Layang-layang, Johor. This programme involved 80 UTHM students and staff, as well as 40 members of the local community. The programme was aimed to ensure that every element of the soft skills outlined was achieved through the eight core skills that was stated in the programme. Among the activities conducted were aerobics, gotong-royong, traditional games, health screening, colouring contest and telematch. UTHM provided transportation for the programme. A sum of RM10,800.00 was allocated and the total cost, in-kind and cash, was RM 19,555.20