The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in collaboration with the Johor Corporation (JCorp) organised the ‘Jalinan Ukhuwah Annur’ Community Service Programme’ on 6 March 2015, at Kampung Seri Mendapat in Parit Raja. The programme involved 50 UTHM students and staff as well as 50 local residents. It aimed to strengthen esprit de corps and foster cooperation between UTHM and the local community.  It also enhanced students’ soft skills and prepared them for their future working world. Activities conducted were, gotong-royong, motivation and spiritual activities. UTHM provided transportation for this programme.  A sum of RM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, was allocated and the total cost, in-kind and cash, was RM2,524.00