1. Berita Harian (bharian.com.my): Naikkan had umur bersara cukupkan simpanan: Malaysia tak boleh ikut negara lain – Pakar. Kenyataan daripada Prof. Dr. Nor Hazana Abdullah, Pengarah Pusat Kepimpinan dan Kompetensi, UTHM
2. Bernama (bernama.com): UNIVERSITI LEBIH DARIPADA SEGULUNG SIJIL, TEMPAT PERKASAKAN INSAN oleh Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Kamarulzaki Mustafa, Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi (FAST), UTHM
3. Berita RTM (berita.rtm.gov.my): Baik buruk trend ‘NPC’ dalam media sosial oleh Dr. Che Samihah Che Dalim dan Suriawati Suparjoh, Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat (FSKTM), UTHM
4. Berita UTHM (news.uthm.edu.my): Program English Odyssey 2.0 tarik minat murid sekolah kuasai bahasa Inggeris
5. Berita UTHM (news.uthm.edu.my): UTHM raih juara kali ketiga Pertandingan Intervarsity Young Motivator Competition 2024
6. Berita UTHM (news.uthm.edu.my): Paradigma Tauhid sebagai DNA staf dan pelajar UTHM oleh Dr. Mohd Hisyam Abdul Rahim, Pusat Pengajian Umum dan Kokurikulum (PPUK), UTHM
7. Berita UTHM (news.uthm.edu.my): Pendekatan menyeluruh ke arah Bandar Pintar pada masa depan oleh Dr. Noor Zuraidin Mohd Safar, Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat (FSKTM), UTHM
8. Radio Lite FM (13:00 News): Malaysia cannot simply raise its retirement age without further studies
An expert at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn says research needs to be done to determine if this will really boost retirement savings. She told big factors such as inflation rates and current income levels must be considered. She was commenting on a proposal to raise our retirement age to 69, help ensure Malaysians have enough savings for life after work. This is after the EPF revised its benchmark for basic retirement savings to 390,000 ringgit by 2028.
9. New Straits Times (nst.com.my): Raising retirement age won’t solve savings problem without data, says expert. The statement by Professor Dr. Nor Hazana Abdullah, Leadership and Competency Centre Director, UTHM
10. Daily Express – Malaysia (dailyexpress.com.my): Drawn to social media careers than study by Safra Liyana Sukiman, Centre for Language Studies (CLS), UTHM and Dr. Nurizah Md. Ngadiran, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)