Yeoh Li Cheng & Fazita Md Tab

The recent visit from Rikkyo University, Japan to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) has not only explores cultural exchanges between the two universities but also injected new collaborative energy into the RICHER (Research and Innovation in Cultural Heritage of Johor) project, thus driving the development of cultural heritage tourism.

RICHER project was initiated in 2022 by the Tunku Tun Aminah Library (PTTA) together with UTHM research team, aims to reshape the research and innovation landscape of Johor culture and heritage. This project focuses on the historical battle and iron mining in Batu Pahat which is now exhibited in the exhibition hall in PTTA.

These two subjects were deeply connected to Japanese history written by the famous poet Kaneko Mitsuharu in his travelog” Journey to Malay and East India,” during 1928-1932 who was also stayed at the Batu Pahat Japanese Club.

Professor Masutani Satoshi from College of Tourism, Rikkyo University stated that Kaneko Mitsuharu’s works made the older generation of Japanese familiar with Batu Pahat but overtime the younger generation has little knowledge about it. Therefore, the main purpose of the visit is to lead students on fieldwork for immersive experience and for Letter of Undertaking (LoU) signing. He added, he will team up with the students to translate these historical materials into Japanese and set up exhibition at Rikkyo University next year.

Rikkyo University has also collaborated with the Centre for Language Studies, UTHM to organise a series of cultural exchanges and historical site visits for the students providing immersive experience of the local culture and customs of people in Batu Pahat and further deepening their understanding of these historical materials and Johor cultural heritage.